Jummah giving – Taybah Relief UK

Step 1

Choose a Cause

Step 2

Set your split donation amount


Step 3

Schedule and earn the rewards of donating every Jummah


Food Aid

People in the Horn of Africa are food-insecure. Feeding starving families in the region is a great cause to donate as you fast during the Holy month of Dhul Hijjah


Make access to clean drinking water available to a small community in the region. If you perform this Sadaqah Jariyah during the Blessed 10 days, you could secure rewards beyond measure.

Orphan Support

Earn the companionship of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in Paradise with additional rewards. Your donation could also become a source of happiness for a child who needs love and care.


If you haven't paid your Zakat yet, there is no time better than these 10 blessed nights. We have a 100% Zakat policy that ensures the maximum impact of your donation.


When you give Sadaqah, it protects you from an unseen calamity. Imagine if your Sadaqah was multiplied manifold. You can have it by automating your Sadaqah now!


Another way to earn continuous rewards is to help educate a child. By donating through our Education, you could send a child back to school, ensuring their success in the world and yours in the Hereafter.

Make every Jummah count by ensuring your charity reaches those in need seamlessly. We are excited to announce that you can now automate your donations every Friday with Taybah Relief UK.

Jummah, or Friday, is a day rich with spiritual rewards. It’s the day Adam (AS) was created and descended to earth, marking a significant moment in human history.


Automate Your Giving Today

As narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said,

“The best day on which the sun rises is Friday; on it Adam was created and on it, he descended to earth.”

– Sahih Al-Bukhari

Step 1


Choose a cause or appeal

Step 2


Set your split donation amount

Step 3


Schedule and earn the rewards of donating every Jummah

By automating your donations, you can be sure that your contributions will reach where they’re needed the most without having to worry about donating at the right time. Every small contribution makes a big difference, so your support can truly impact the lives of those in need.


Avail This Rewarding Opportunity Every Week

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

“Blessed is the wealth of a Muslim from which he gives to the poor, to orphans and to needy travelers.”

– Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 544

Every act of kindness carries even more significance on Fridays, and giving to those in need is especially important.

Regular, ongoing donations have a greater impact than one-time gifts. Automate your donations and ensure a consistent and reliable flow of support to those in need.

You can have peace of mind knowing that your charity is being made every Jummah, earning you the rewards of the best day of the week!


Auto Donate Now & Earn Rewards!