Leicester Mosque Appeal, Taybah Center – Taybah Relief

Leicester Mosque Appeal, Taybah Center

Leicester Mosque Appeal, Taybah Center


Funded of £175000 goal

Appeal for Expansion of Taybah Centre

Building a mosque with adequate prayer facilities gives a Muslim community a sacred space to share faith and worship in peace. Alhamdulillah, Taybah Relief is on a mission to expand the Taybah Centre in Leicester to accommodate more worshippers in the wake of increasing communal activities. 

Since the last extension of Taybah Centre in 2013, there have not been any significant upgrades in facilities. Now the masjid has a shortage of space, particularly during special occasions and there is a need to fulfill the daily running costs. In addition, we aim to expand the dawah programme, youth programme, and madrassah facilities to allow everyone to participate in Islamic education, research, and dawah.

We aim to make the following improvements immediately:

  • Extension of the men’s prayer area by building an additional floor over the existing 315 sq. meters
  • Building an additional floor to extend the women’s prayer area by 135 sq. meters with a new lift
  • Building new access paths for men’s and women’s sections on the ground floor
  • Improving accommodation and other facilities on the first floor
  • Building separate gathering sections for men and women

To do this, we need to make Taybah Centre efficient and increase revenues so we can support our ambitions and aspirations. Through this expansion project, we will be able to expand the capacity of the masjid and its revenue. The extension will be done in multiple phases:

Phase 1
Funds needed £175,000

During phase 1, we aim to build the first floor which will consist of a main prayer hall for our sisters and a room for lessons and lectures. There will also be a library and girls’ madrassah for Quran and Islamic studies.

Phase 2
Funds needed £100,000

Phase 2 involves building a ground floor with a daily prayer hall for women. We also aim to build a youth club to keep our community’s youth in contact with the masjid. Lastly, the ground floor will have Taybah Centre’s office which would play a huge role in dawah and welcome non-Muslims who want to learn more about Islam.

Phase 3
Funds needed £325,000

The third and last phase consists of extending the male prayer hall and madrassah for Quran and Islamic studies and a library with three further apartments.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to earn Sadaqah Jariyah by helping improve the facilities for worshippers and young students in pursuit of Islamic education. Please contribute as much as you can to strengthen the community – May Allah S.W.T reward you abundantly in this world and the Hereafter!

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