Livelihood – Taybah Relief UK



Many people around the world struggle to earn enough for day-to-day activities and lack working opportunities in their countries. Impoverished and vulnerable communities are in dire need of basic shelter and necessities to survive in peace. To live with dignity and self-sufficiency, they rely on your support so they can build a new life and step up.

What are the Challenges Faced by the Economically Deprived?

People without a reliable source of income suffer from a lack of social and financial support in their home countries which makes them lose their autonomy. They become victims of discrimination that impacts their daily life. They need your assistance to help boost their confidence and ability to survive.

Help us Protect and Enable the Underprivileged

Taybah Relief brings together thousands of humanitarians to provide for the poverty-stricken to support their families and become independent. Our projects are based on the Qur’an and Sunnah and reflect a charitable spirit that embraces the welfare of humanity regardless of ethnic background, colour or creed.

We believe that helping people live with dignity is what Islam teaches, and it is our duty as Muslims to help others regardless of their religion or race. Your valuable donations have the power to change someone’s life and earn life-long prayers.

Taybah Relief Empowers the Deprived Socially and Economically

Livelihood is the means to earn a living and includes employment and income-generating activities. For the displaced and impoverished, livelihood opportunities are essential to meet their basic needs and contribute to community well-being.

Taybah Relief aims to support thousands of displaced communities by helping them gain social and economic status in their home countries. For people who have lost their homes and possessions, Taybah Relief’s livelihood opportunities provide financial stability by: 

  • Providing them with microloans to support their living and work
  • Helping them start their small business and jobs in farming
  • Providing tools and resources to combat work exploitation 
  • Providing them with vocational training and skills

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