Syrian Refugees Appeal – Taybah Relief UK

Syrian Refugees Appeal

The Humanitarian Crisis In Syria Needs Your Attention

Syria is currently facing a critical socio-economic crisis leaving millions of people displaced in their homeland. In addition, the deteriorating political state in the country since 2011 has forced 5.6 million individuals to flee as refugees, while the 6.6 million cases of internal displacement struggle to survive daily.

Syrian Refugee Families Need Your Assistance

After a decade of violence, the Syrian children in refugee campaigns and displacement shelters have experienced the most challenging trial. They have endured severe trauma that could lead to life-long consequences. 

The refugee families suffer through this trial without proper shelter, nourishment, and sanitation, leaving them weak and vulnerable. They deserve a better quality of life, education, and opportunities that help them break the cycle of poverty. Support Taybah Relief in saving their childhood! Every contribution to the welfare of Syrian families can make a positive difference in their lives. 

Support Taybah Relief Today

Taybah Relief is currently working on the ground with Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, helping them fulfil their daily nutrition, hydration, healthcare, and shelter. Your generosity helps us provide filling meals to the food-insecure households, and sponsorships for orphans ensure a secure future for them. Join Taybah Relief to support your vulnerable brethren from Syria! 

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